Hyperion 3-Pin USB <> Serial Adapter for all Atlas Servos
MultiLog Main Features:
- Altitude data logging with 10Hz speed rate and 0.1m resolution.
- F5X Altitude Limiting with selectable cut-off altitude and time.
- True PPM measurement and loggin PPM_IN and PPM_OUT data with 10Hz speed rate.
- Low power and high capacity Flash memory onboard(instead of very low capacity EEPROMs or high-power and heavy SD cards from over Logger vendors).
- Light weight – not more than 5 grams – .176 oz.(complete weight with wire and connector).
- Small size 45 X 17 X 7 mm
- Hight-speed PC interface – 921600 baud
- very little current consumption(typicaly lower than 10mA)
- MultiLog USB Interface can replace ” HP-AT-PRGUSB Hyperion 3-Pin USB <> Serial Adapter for all Atlas Servos”
- 2 Led(Green+Red) and sound status notification
UltraLight Main Features:
- Generaly the same functionality as MultiLog without F5X Altitude Limiting features and capability of external sensors connecting
- ULTRA Light weight – not more than 2 grams – .07 oz.(complete weight with wire and connector).
- ULTRA Small size 25 X 12 X 6 mm
Software and firmwares:
You need to install USB Interface driver before pluggin it into your PC. Before installation of the drivers for USB Interface please check that you do not have any drivers for Silabs CP2102 IC On your PC(the same type of drivers typicaly used for some chargers and hyperion servo adapter). If you already have them – you can use them, else – please download latest VCP driver from Silabs website If something goes wrong with that version which you have you need to uninstall it firstly and than install the latest one.
PC Software for Log viewing – click here to download
Short Manual(English) – click here to download
Short Manual(Russian) – click here to download
Short Manual(Finland) – click here to download
Firmware for UltraLight Loggers – click here to download
Firmware for MultiLog(FAI) – click here to download
Firmware for MultiLog(FAI w/restart for Slovakia) – click here to download
Two new software sets for MultiLog units only(hv2.0 and hv2.1) with support for external LCD units
New software main features:
Both versions:
- Calculation of FAI altitude
- Visualization of FAI altitude using the smLCD unit (just connect LCD and you will see FAI altitude)
- Visualization of FAI altitude using red blinking led(press the MultiLog button and you will see it)
- Sound indication of FAI altitude using (press the MultiLog button and you will hear it)
1.Slovakia version:
- With this firmware you have ability to start motor again but if you will do it
- FAI altitude will me set to zero to show it.
2. FAI version:
- Full compatibility with current FAI F5J rules without ability to start motor in flight again.
- To make a new launch you need to check that throttle is in it’s low position and than re-cycle power of the limiter.
- After power re-cycling you will be able to check FAI altitude of previouse flight.
- If you try to run motor – previous FAI altitude will be cleared and you will see “—.-” on the LCD.